How To Buy A Company
When most people think of starting a business, they think of beginning from scratch--developing your own ideas and building the company from the ground up. But starting from scratch presents some distinct disadvantages, including the difficulty of building a customer base, marketing the new business, hiring employees and establishing cash flow...all without a track record or reputation to go on.
how to buy a company
Whether you use a broker or go it alone, you will definitely want to put together an "acquisition team"--your banker, accountant and attorney--to help you. These advisors are essential to what is called "due diligence", which means reviewing and verifying all the relevant information about the business you are considering. When due diligence is done, you will know just what you are buying and from whom. The preliminary analysis starts with some basic questions. Why is this business for sale? What is the general perception of the industry and the particular business, and what is the outlook for the future? Does--or can--the business control enough market share to stay profitable? Are raw materials needed in abundant supply? How have the company's product or service lines changed over time?
You also need to assess the company's reputation and the strength of its business relationships. Talk to existing customers, suppliers and vendors about their relationships with the business. Contact the Better Business Bureau, industry associations and licensing and credit-reporting agencies to make sure there are no complaints against the business.
To get an idea of the company's anticipated returns and future financial needs, ask the business owner and/or accountants to show you projected financial statements. Balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, footnotes and tax returns for the past three years are all key indicators of a business's health. These documents will help you conduct a financial analysis that will spotlight any underlying problems and also provide a closer look at a wide range of less tangible information.
5. Tax returns for the past five years. Many small business owners make use of the business for personal needs. They may buy products they personally use and charge them to the business or take vacations using company funds, go to trade shows with their spouses, etc. You have to use your analytical skills and those of your accountant, to determine what the actual financial net worth of the company is.
10. All accounts payable. Like accounts receivable, accounts payable should be broken down by 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days. This is important in determining how well cash flows through the company. On payables more than 90 days old, you should check to see if any creditors have placed a lien on the company's assets.
14. Marketing strategies. How does the owner obtain customers? Does he or she offer discounts, advertise aggressively, or conduct public-relations campaigns? You should get copies of all sales literature to see the kind of image that is being projected by the business. When you look at the literature, pretend that you are a customer being solicited by the company. How does it make you feel? This can give you some idea of how the company is perceived by its market.
20. Seller-customer ties. You must find out if any customers are related or have any special ties to the present owner of the business. How long has any such account been with the company? What percentage of the company's business is accounted for by this particular customer or set of customers? Will this customer continue to purchase from the company if the ownership changes?
21. Inflated salaries. Some salaries may be inflated or perhaps the current owner may have a relative on the payroll who isn't working for the company. All of these possibilities should be analyzed.
22. List of current employees and organizational chart. Current employees can be a valuable asset, especially key personnel. Evaluate the organizational chart to understand who is responsible to whom. You must also look at the management practices of the company and know the wages of all employees and their length of employment. Examine any management-employee contracts that exist aside from a union agreement, as well as details of employee benefit plans; profit-sharing; health, life and accident insurance; vacation policies; and any employee-related lawsuits against the company.
24. Insurance. Establish what type of insurance coverage is held for the operation of the business and all of its properties as well as who the underwriter and local company representative is, and how much the premiums are. Some businesses are underinsured and operating under potentially disastrous situations in case of fire or a major catastrophe. If you come into an underinsured operation, you could be wiped out if a major loss occurs.
25. Product liability. Product liability insurance is of particular interest if you're purchasing a manufacturing company. Insurance coverage can change dramatically from year to year, and this can markedly affect the cash flow of a company.
This is a fairly accurate way to determine the price of a business, but you have to exercise caution using this method. To arrive at a price based on the book value, all you have to do is find out what the difference is between the assets and liabilities of a company to arrive at its net worth. This has usually been done already on the balance sheet. The net worth is then multiplied by one or two to arrive at the book value.
This might seem simple enough. To check the number, all you have to do is list the company's assets and liabilities. Determine their value, arrive at the net worth, and then multiply that by the appropriate number.
Goodwill as such is not an asset. You as a buyer would assess the business based on the return on investment. Certain rules of the game may change when you enter the fields of acquisition and merger. Suppose you buy out your competition, merge all your facilities, and double your volume. Now the labor and overhead factors are much lower. Thus, even if the seller was losing perhaps 5 percent a year, if you bring them into your company, which is making 15 percent a year, it might allow you to increase sales and end up making 20 percent.
You can finance through a traditional lender, or sellers may agree to "hold a not," which means they accept payments over a period of time, just as a lender would. Many sellers like this method because it assures them of future income. Other sellers may agree to different terms--for example, accepting benefits such as a company car for a period of time after the deal is completed. These methods can cut down the amount of upfront cash you need; Troob advises, however, that you should always have an attorney review any arrangements for legality and liability issues.
The final purchase contract should be structured with the help of your acquisition team to reflect very precisely your understanding and intentions regarding the purchase from a financial, tax and legal standpoint. The contract must be all-inclusive and should allow you to rescind the deal if you find at any time that the owner intentionally misrepresented the company or failed to report essential information. It's also a good idea to include a no compete clause in the contract to ensure the seller doesn't open a competing operation down the street.
To purchase flood insurance, call your insurance company or insurance agent, the same person who sells your home or auto insurance. If you need help finding a provider go to or call the NFIP at 877-336-2627.
Ideally you should get accountants and solicitors to help you identify risk areas. If it is registered with Companies House, you can also obtain copies of the company accounts, the annual return and the other key documents.
When you buy a domain name through domain registrars, you register it for one year with the option of a multi-year registration. You will be able to renew your domain name registration when the initial period finishes, and will usually be alerted by the registrar to do so. Domain names are also sometimes included in your web hosting plan and if not, usually offered by your hosting company.
In this article, we will explain, jargon-free, how to buy shares in a company. Let's see how to buy stocks online in six easy steps, from making up an investment plan and opening a broker account to actually buying stocks and managing your - hopefully - growing portfolio.
For example, Tesla has 185 million tradable shares (outstanding). When you buy 100 Tesla company shares, you will be one of the owners of Tesla. Your ownership percentage will be very tiny, just 0.000055% (100/185 million). Still, you will be an owner with all the rights that come with this ownership:
Risk: If you put all of your savings in just one or two stocks, and the company you selected goes bust, you could lose all your invested money. A similar risk is when the majority of your stock holdings are in the same industry.
Risk: When buying individual stocks, there is always a risk of selecting the wrong ones. Here, 'wrong' could mean anything from a company that defaults to simply buying an overpriced share.
Gather information: While you are learning, start collecting as much information about your target companies as possible. Read the company presentations and quarterly reports on their website (usually found in the 'Investor Relations' section), understand their business profiles, start playing around with their income statements, look at their management background or even attend their annual meetings. These will help you gain a better understanding of the company and the industry it operates in.
"The Rights Plan will reduce the likelihood that any entity, person or group gains control of Twitter through open market accumulation without paying all shareholders an appropriate control premium or without providing the Board sufficient time to make informed judgments and take actions that are in the best interests of shareholders," the company said in a press release. 041b061a72